"It's almost golf for dummies! There are no confusing words or swing thoughts."
Dan McCarthy, Head Professional, Springdale Golf Club, Princeton, New Jersey
"There's nothing not to like about Thumbsdown!"
Dan Pasternak, Head Professional, Panther Valley Golf and Country Club Allamuchy, New Jersey
"In its simplest form, the Thumbsdown technique calls for the golfer to turn down their strong hand thumb as they strike the ball." Bill Kennedy, Trenton Times,
"I like it! Now I have something meaningful to visualize during my downswing. I'm confident I'll hit the ball solid and online" Ted K
"Alan, you really have something here! The ball went right where I was aiming and a lot longer than ever before." Jonathan C
"I'm amazed! It was simple and I saw the results from the first shot I hit. Lookout, the dreaded straight ball is back in my game." Chris H
"Thumbsdown gave me the most fundamental improvements to my golf swing in the past 20 years. Thank you." Henry K