On Sunday 9-23, both New York football teams won their first games of the 2007 NFL season. The Yankees beat the Toronto Blue Jays to pull to within 1 game of the Boston Red Sox in the all important loss column for first place, going into the last week of the baseball season. It appears almost certain they will at least clinch a playoff spot in the American League East, but it’s still anyone's guess who will play who and where they’ll play, as the playoffs begin next week.
The real question in sports this week is, does anyone REALLY care what’s going on in golf these days, besides the players, their families, sponsors and some devoted fans? (AND of course the entire city of Montreal and a few Canadian provinces, if not more.) Does the anticipation for the President’s Cup raise your adrenaline levels like the Ryder Cup, The Masters or ANY of the majors? ME either! In fact, it’s that time of the year when football, baseball’s finale, then hockey (especially hockey) and basketball take over mind share for die hard sports fans (like ME).
The golf season for ME typically lasts into the first week of December, or longer some years like last year, when a member of my 3-some played in shorts on his 55th birthday, Jan 6. I play nine months out of the year and think golf non-stop. TV golf, well that’s a different story. The President’s Cup has always been played this time of year when my focus changes with the seasons. A recent example can be found in last week’s newsletter and blog article, where I wrote about Tiger shutting it down for the season last week to become a full time dad. I said he’d gone fishing. Well, I believe it’s still true but I had completely forgotten about the President’s Cup in Montreal this coming weekend, September 28-30, so shame on ME. Also, shame on you for not noticing my mistake OR al least sending ME a comment about it.
No, it’s not the Ryder Cup, but each President’s Cup over the last ten years has been entertaining, as the best players in the world battle for their country’s team, just like in the Ryder Cup. Too bad the mind share just isn’t there, AGAIN. Am I alone? Do you feel the same way? Your comments are always welcome.
It’s Alan Martin, with a 60 second Thumbs Down method golf tip about the power source in the golf swing. Where does the power come from? What’s your answer? Please reply to ajm.me@thumbsdown.info or feel free to call ME 609-448-4331.
Is it the large muscles of the shoulders, or the legs, or the hips? I believe a majority of golfers would say yes. Once upon a time I was one of the more than 50 percenter’s that turned and pivoted my body like a corkscrew into the ground for power. I hit the ball hard and relatively long for a 5’7”, 150 pound man, but after 25 years of that kind of thinking I ended up with these results: 20 less yards with every club in my bag (putter excluded) and an out of control slice. I still hit it hard.
OR is it the arms that swing, with the forearms, wrists and hands that generate the REAL POWER in the golf swing? If you’ve read any of my Thumbs Down HOW TO guides (Front Nine, Back Nine, Preview, Drills or Pro editions) on curing a slice and teaching yourself to become a better ball striker, you know how much I believe this is where the secret lies, ESPECIALLY for amateur and recreational players.
Pro’s play a different game than the rest of us. They can afford to fine tune their swings to perfection, but for the tens of millions of others, squaring the club at impact with the smaller muscles in the forearms, wrists, hands (and don’t forget those thumbs) provide the missing ingredient's for increased power, accuracy and control.
Don’t forget, for a limited time I’m offering Better Ball Striking for under $10, then a 100% trade-in (means it’s FREE) for an upgrade to the new and improved Back Nine or Pro Plus editions. Both include virtual lessons via the internet by ME.
With the holidays approaching, the gift of golf ALWAYS scores points with family, friends and business. Please visit http://www.golfinstructionmadesimple.com/